Monday, September 6, 2010

NU-Q essay

There is no power in the world that can stop an aspiring man from dreaming. You can lock a man in a room, deprive him of any social interaction, but you cannot stop him concocting a mirage in which he is the king. I am no different as my belief in human fate is interlinked with the incontrovertible notion that hard work culminates in success. The essence is to bridge the gap between where I stand at present and where I would like to envision myself. It is an irony that this may even take a lifetime to accomplish.
This may sound like the opinion of a braggart but I have no qualms in admitting that my academic record before my AS level was one devoid of any blemishes. In fact, by my 11 grade securing good grades held no real meaning for me. The acid test came in the form of my AS level result. Financial considerations meant that I could not enroll in my preferred high school. Instead, I had to go somewhere I had been offered a scholarship for my first year of study. What happened next was something that would leave an indelible mark on my academic record. The result did not commensurate with my expectations as anguish and grief enveloped me like a snake. Although I earned a 50 percent scholarship, our financial plight culminated in my leaving school. It is worth mentioning that this decision was entirely mine as becoming a burden on my parents was something that my conscience would never allow me to do.
As the maxim goes’ We become stronger by learning how to lose gracefully’. If there was ever a period in my life when I was desperate to prove myself to my family, friends and most importantly to myself, it was then. The metamorphosis occurred as I redefined myself as an individual. With newly found inspiration, I appeared for 6 subjects in the October session and this time around, I proved my worth. That I was able to rise from the ashes is a testament to the unique quality of the human spirit. In retrospect, I feel that my real strength lay in making best use of the available resources, a quality that has allowed me to prosper in the most daunting of situations.
In my AS level, the selection of subjects like sociology, psychology and history has given me a broader view of the world. Among other things, these subjects inspire individuals to think about their lives. Their utility is most evident during social interaction as it gives the individual an unmatched insight into human behavior. It is worth mentioning that in my country, children tend to stick with conventional subjects and if memory serves, I stood out as an anomaly owing to my subject choices. The fact that I was giving sat 2 in US and World history was enough to raise eyebrows in a society in which conformity is the order of the day. My eccentric choice did not come without its share of difficulties as the dearth of books and the virtual non-existence of academic help ensured that I had a rough ride.
To envision myself 10 years from now is an exercise that is rooted in conjecture and presumption. That said, I would like to become a writer if life ever presents me the opportunity. A writer has the power of the pen, a power that allows him to raise his voice against the injustice that plagues a rapacious society governed by self interest and greed. An otherwise powerless individual can use the power of the pen to ensure that the rights of the impoverished are not condoned during the decision making process. Among other things, becoming a writer has always been like a dream as it symbolizes the height of achievement.

My friends subject me to scrutiny when I reveal my penchant to enroll in journalism. Considering the social norms that govern our particular society, I cannot hold them culpable for their ignorance of a realm that is imperative to the working of any society. The realm of sociology underscores the disparity between different cultures and the relegation of journalism, fit for only the misfits, in developing nations is the epitome of ignorance.
I tend to write at home in my free time and some of my work has been printed in a research journal. This serves to embolden my belief that I have a bright future in this area. My father has always touted my abilities as a writer and for now remains my one and only passionate follower.
Add to this my burgeoning liking for this subject and NU-Q proved to be the infallible option. Although conventional choices are more rewarding in term of career prospects, I could not risk giving up my passion for a few extra dollars. Considering my proclivity for writing, the decision to apply to NU-Q was one rooted in optimism and conviction.


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